LOCATED IN THE TREES OF MYSTERY IS A TREASURE TROVE OF NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN ARTIFACTS.A SHORT DESCRIPTION FOLLOWS OF JUST A FEW OF THE NUMEROUS TRIBES AND CLANS REPRESENTED IN THE VIDEO.SORRY IF SOME OF LABELS ARE NOT CLEAR AS I DID NOT USE A FLASH DUE TO THE DELICATE NATURE OF THE ITEMS.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD TO THE LIST,JUST CONTACT RLFREEBURG@COMCAST.NET OR COMMENT: Ivory sled runner /s, baby cradle,dance, items used in potlatches by leaders of the clan, carved ladles, apache baskets, weapons,Tlingit button blankets, Hudson bay company, native mined copper shield, kwakquitl / kwaguilth, Aleutian baskets made of rye weed,beach grass and silk or wool thread, women gambling, hawk dance mask, octopus bag or firebag 1st developed in Cree area lower Ontario Alberta as far as southern Alaska,man's headdress made of flicker feathers, Pomo pump drill used for making clam shell disc beads for money, trimming baskets,regalia and for trade. Stone ax, Pomo twined acorn cooking bask! et, Yokuts coiled cooking basket rattlesnake and human design, Stone pestle gift of Mary J. Warden, Yokuts Indian stick dice game, Hat Creek basket, map of tribal areas of California, Chumash tools, arrow heads, horse blankets, "Last of the Yahi", Mary Smith, "Spiritual Grandfathers", looms KACHINA KACHINAS....