Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Mass at St. Vincent de Paul...a church the Diocese is planning to shutter

Easter Mass at St. Vincent de Paul...a church the Diocese is planning to shutter

This was one of the last songs from the gorgeous Easter Mass at St. Vincent de Paul, a French-language church in New York City, NY. It has been the subject of attention in the past few years after appearing on a list of churches that face abandonment by the Diocese. Here is a link to the not-for-profit that is working to fight this closure. This church is the home for a diverse body of Catholics from France, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Switzerland, Togo and elsewhere. It also has a stewards program that provides assistance (in the form of money, guidance, and counseling) to anyone, whether they are a member or not, Catholic or other. Here is a link to the New York Times article from April 5th, 2012 that outlines the struggle that the church faces. Please join me in working to make sure that it is allowed to build upon its 170-year legacy of charity and love.