Saturday, March 24, 2012

Space Station Flies Over Mexice and Eastern US

Space Station Flies Over Mexice and Eastern US

This video was taken by the crew of Expedition 30 on board the International Space Station. The sequence of shots was taken November 24, 2011 from 07:30:58 to 07:59:07 GMT, on a pass over the South Pacific Ocean northeast to the North Atlantic Ocean, just east of Newfoundland. The video begins over the dark Pacific Ocean as the ISS travels northeast towards the western coast of Mexico. The bright lights of Mexico City can be seen left of track, along with the lights of Honduras and Guatemala just right of track. The pass continues over the Yucatan Peninsula, where Cozumel and Merida are visible as brighter spots on the peninsula. As the ISS tracks northeast over the Caribbean Sea, southeastern United States becomes visible, with the Florida Peninsula standing out well. The city lights of the larger cities such as Miami, Tampa, and Orlando light up the peninsula. The pass ends by tracking up the eastern coast of the United States, where Washington DC, Baltimore, and New York ! City stand out. Compiled from frames ISS030-E-5779 to ISS030-E-6314 Credit: Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth."